Improve your joints with Scottie Pippen
I have been impressed by the quick results that patients are reporting to their orthopedic physicians after using the Prime Bone & Joint Formula. This formula has the perfect combination of ingredients to help reduce both inflammation and bone pain, and also support new cartilage growth. It is the Isotonic delivery system that is the key to getting the 1000 mg of Glucosamine into the blood stream, as well as the 25 mg of Pycgnogenol which science has shown to inhibit the body’s over-active inflammatory processes. I like the fact that they have included the Hyluronic Acid to help with hydrating the synovial fluid in the joint itself. It is wonderful to hear the reports from patients with significant reduction in bone and join pain and improved mobility in just a few weeks.
Prime Joint Support Formula by Isotonix®
Supports relief from temporary inflammation
associated with bone and joint pain from the normal aging process and daily
Helps maintain healthy joint fluidity and
Promotes normal cartilage synthesis and
Promotes optimal joint health
Helps maintain joint comfort
“I am 53 years old with a diagnosis of severe
osteoarthritis of both knees and left ankle. I have a history of crushing
injury of his ankle in a motorcycle accident as a teen. In my 20s I fell from a
ladder and seriously damaged both knees. I was recently told that in order to
get any relief from my constant severe pain, that I required two total knees
and an ankle fusion. I have tried anti-inflammatories, steroid injections and
Orthovisc injections to both knees without any long lasting relief. My pain was
a constant 8/10 on a daily basis. After working all day on my feet, I could
barely walk. Dr. Sheryl recommended that I try Prime Joint Formula and OPC-3.
After about two to three weeks on the products, I have had approximately 85%
pain relief.”
– Ralph