Saturday, July 21, 2012

Click here to learn more about Calcium plus.

Article is from the American Diabetes website:
Studies have shown us that the leading cause of death associated with diabetes is a heart attack. Diabetes is not just a sugar problem so your physician must keep track of all your cardiac values to decrease stroke risk  The greatest amounts of heart attacks are seen between 4-6 A.M. The blood pressure starts to rise at this time to get us ready for the day. It takes about 50% increase in blood circulation to get the system from sleep state to being awake. This sudden and increased pressure could cause a tear in the vessel lining creating a blood clot and heart attack. Our major vessels are also stiffer upon awakening like our joints and stay rigid in those early morning hours. This too can cause more plaque build-up and an eventual rupture. Consider taking a magnesium supplement (always check with your physician before starting a new supplement) before bed. You can get magnesium from green vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains but you may run short if you are not eating the proper amounts. Magnesium may help keep the vessels open and more relaxed which aids in lowering the blood pressure. It may prevent blood clots by reducing platelet sticking, decrease insulin resistance and help muscle and nerve function. Magnesium loss can be accentuated when blood sugars are elevated since the increased urination that comes with high sugars can pull out magnesium; people with diabetes are often low in magnesium. Studies have shown that a decreased amount of magnesium may also increase the risk of peripheral neuropathy (a big complication of diabetes). Magnesium supplements can have a laxative response, so think about taking it in combination with calcium which makes it better tolerated.
I recommend Isontoix Calcium Plus, which contains magnesium in an isotonic capable mixture.

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